Thursday 19 July 2007

I am happy.. is the least said sentence I guess!!

I am happy. Yes I am! Do you know why? Well even i cant be sure why..

I guess its because I have learnt that somethings are beyond my control. I cant change every small thing about youself..leave alone the world. Lets say..I cant change that I am a little under five feet tall, I like it..its comfy in long flight journeys. I cant change that I am sitting here in Leeds far away from my family and loved ones. Its a part of the lessons life is giving a practical session. Things I can change are .. my completely twisted sleep cycle, my habit of procastination and the fact that I look for excuses to bunk Gym.

Well..the bottomline is that in the humdrum of life and being a participant in the rat race, we forget that the underlying purpose of every action is happiness...for us and those around us. We keep battling with predicaments and think that it is life. We look for the final result but forget that there is no such thing. Happiness is not an end state is 'supposed to be' a persistent phenomenon. And i am happy I have realised this in time. Ciao!!